The new Board of Directors of YASAD was determined
Gönül Kamalı, who participated in the election with a single list, was re-elected as president with the unanimous vote of the members. At the general assembly, where the activity report covering 2020-2022 was submitted, Gönül Kamalı gave information about the activities they carried out in the 15th term. Stating that they have implemented projects that will be a 'success story' in cooperation with the public and private sectors, Kamalı said, "Despite the pandemic process, we have realized important works for the development of both our members and the industry in a 3-year period. Institutionalization of the association structure, increasing the synergy between members, supporting the training of qualified human resources of the industry and increasing the number of exporting software companies were the areas we focused on. In the new period, we will focus on projects that will increase the quality of our work."
The new Board of Directors and Supervisory Board of YASAD for the 16th term consisted of the following names:
Full Members of the Board of Directors;
Gönül Kamalı (Chairman of the Board of Directors)
THINKBIG Bilişim ve Danışmanlık LTD Şti.
Cem Çevik (Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors)
Bilge Adam Bilgisayar ve Eğitim Hizmetleri Sanayi Ticaret A.Ş.
Serdar Toraman (Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors)
INNOVA Bilişim Çözümleri A.Ş
Atilla Zeybek (Treasurer)
MODEL Bilgi İşlem Hizm.San. ve TİC.LTD.ŞTİ.
Seçil Zeybekoğlu Gökçöl (Board Member)
Netaş Telekomünikasyon A.Ş.
Kerem Bozokluoğlu (Board Member)
Sosyo Plus Bilgi Bil. Tekn. Dan. Hiz. Tic. A.Ş.
Mine Taşkın (Board Member)
G Teknoloji Bilişim San. Tic. A.Ş.
Akın Sertcan (Board Member)
Logo Yazılım Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.
Özgür Arzu Er (Board Member)
Virgosol Bilişim ve Yazılım Çözümleri A.Ş.
Full Members of the Audit Board;
Ayhan Demir (Chairman of the Audit Board)
Liberta Yazılım İnşaat Gıda SAN ve Tic Ltd Şti
Tanay Ceylan (Audit Committee Member)
Burç Uzalp (Audit Committee Member)
FSS Bilgisayar Yazılım Danışmanlık San.Tic.Ltd.Şti
YASAD Chairman of the Board of Directors Gönül Kamalı gave information about their activities in her thank you speech: "As YASAD, we helped the Ministry of Trade prepare the Informatics Stars and e-Turquality Support Package. Today, we want all our software companies to apply for these supports. With the participation of YASAD members, we have implemented the 'Supporting Software Education in Vocational High Schools with the Software Companies.' With the project supported by the Istanbul Development Agency, we aim to increase the technical abilities of young people in Vocational and Technical Anatolian High Schools in the field of informatics in line with the needs of the software industry. We conducted the 'Turkey Software Works Catalog' study. The leading 100 companies of the industry took part in our catalog. We will continue this work by updating it in the new period."
Noting that they have realized the 'Software Works Archive and Encyclopedia Project' covering 50 years of the Turkish software industry, Kamalı said, "With this project supported by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, we will archive 500 of the software developed by the Turkish software industry to date and present them to the public attention. We call on our software companies that have not yet participated in the project to take part in the encyclopedia."